at Home
- Praise younger brothers and sisters for even the smallest display of character.
- Look for ways to help your parents around the house without being asked.
- If you break or damage something, don’t hide or cover it up, but quickly admit your wrong.
- Encourage your brothers and sisters to pray together for your parents each day.
- Memorise Scripture verses together with younger brothers and sisters and give them appropriate rewards.
- Teach younger brothers and sisters how to present the Gospel.
- Teach children how to initiate conversation with guests in your home and making them feel welcome.
- Don’t go to bed angry.
- If you have the opportunity to baby-sit for friends, play games rather than watching videos, look for dishes to wash and other ways to demonstrate initiative.
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at Work/School
- Make sure assignments are completed on time.
- Look for ways to invest in the lives of others.
- Pray for opportunities to present the Gospel.
- Look for ways to praise classmates/workmates.
- Offer to help classmates who are struggling with a particular subject.
at Church
- Introduce yourself to visitors and help make them feel welcome.
- If a job needs done, check with the pastor and offer your help.
- Volunteer to clean the church or take care of the church grounds as a family.
- Take the initiative to pick up paper trash or return hymn books to their proper place.
- Give your pastor the freedom to call upon you if a job needs to be done.
- Deal with known weaknesses and sins.