Philip was a man known to be alert to the Holy Spirit and wise in his actions. As a result, the apostles chose him in Acts 6, along with six others to care for people—allowing the apostles to devote themselves to God’s word and prayer. But after Stephen was killed for his faith, Philip, along with others, headed in different regions to proclaim the Gospel.
It was during this time that the Scriptures give an example of Philip being alert to an opportunity for evangelism. In Acts 8, he was traveling along the road from Jerusalem to Gaza, as directed by an angel. During his travel, Philip saw a chariot and because of his alertness to the Spirit of God, he went up beside it. Drawing near, Philip heard an Ethiopian official reading Isaiah 53. Sensitive to the key moment, Philip asked the leading question, “Do you understand what you are reading?” (8.30). This opened an opportunity for Philip to join the man in the chariot and teach him about the Gospel. The Ethiopian official trusted in Jesus Christ that day and then Philip baptized him. Philip’s alertness to the opportunity to share Jesus Christ brought eternal hope to an Ethiopian man.
Michael C. Lyons, Editor of Faith Outreach, Character Council, Cincinnati, OH