What Do You Love The Most?

“And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of” (Genesis 22:2).

Our lives are built around the people and things that we enjoy: a spouse, children, special friends, a job, and possessions. These are the things we tend to put our security in – and if one of them is removed, we feel as though our whole world has suddenly come apart. There are times when God simply says to us, “Let go!” If you’ve ever been in that situation, you know the pressure a test like that can exert on your faith.

There was a day in the life of Abraham when God told him to let go of something which he dearly loved. Abraham did not choose the sacrifice. God did! Beware of self-chosen sacrifice for God! God always starts with the things that we love the most, because unless these things are dedicated to Him they will become the objects of our worship. Unless we are willing to place the things we love the most on that altar and dedicate them to the Lord, God will never be able to use us to our fullest potential and we will never experience God’s richest blessings.

Have you ever dedicated the things that you love the most to the Lord? We do that by building an altar in our heart and saying, “Lord, from this moment on these things belong to You. I give them to You. I have no more rights to them or claim on them. If you choose to take them, I will thank You for that. If You allow me to continue enjoying them, I will thank You for that also.”

Like the young boy who gave the Lord his meagre lunch, God is able to multiply whatever we give Him to be a blessing to others.