Wesley’s Expectation of Persecution

wesleyJohn Wesley was riding along on his horse one day when it dawned on him that three days had passed in which he had suffered no persecution. Not a brick or an egg had been thrown for three days.

Alarmed, he stopped his horse and exclaimed, “Could it be that I have sinned and am backslidden?”

Slipping from his horse, Wesley went down on his knees and began interceding with God to show him where, if any, there was a fault.

A rough fellow on the other side of the hedge, hearing the prayer, looked across and recognized the preacher. “I’ll fix that Methodist preacher,” he said, picking up a brick and tossing it over at him. It missed its mark and fell harmlessly beside John. Whereupon Wesley leaped to his feet joyfully exclaiming, “Thank you, Lord! I know I still have Your presence.”

J.G. Morrison