Take the initiative to invest in the lives of younger brothers and sisters. Here are a few ways to motivate younger brothers and sisters to spiritual maturity. A parent’s guidance is also invaluable in working with brothers and sisters.
“But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven… for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” (Matthew 6:20-21)
- Praise your siblings in public; never correct in public.
- Only correct if absolutely necessary; earn the privilege to correct through praise.
- Be what you want your siblings to be.
- Pray together for your parents each day.
- Fast and pray together during a mealtime.
- Make a prayer list and record God’s answers together.
- Challenge them to rise early with you to pray and study God’s word.
- Choose a specific country to pray for together and research this country at the library.
- Memorise Scripture together and then give appropriate rewards.
- Go for a walk each morning, sharing with each other your rhema for the day.
- Make a tape of a passage of Scripture for them to listen to at night.
- Share your struggles and ask them to pray for specific prayer requests.
- Receive God’s grace by asking them to point out your blind spots.
- Clear your conscience and create projects to counteract the damage of past actions and poor examples.
- Memorise the names of God together and choose one to focus on each day.
- Memorise the 49 character qualities and their meanings and choose one to focus on each day, being accountable to each other.
- Discover the meaning of their names and look for ways that they are demonstrating this and them praise them for it.
- Find out the spiritual gifts of your family members and discuss how they affect the way each one responds.
- Research together the four types of smiles and them reward them for demonstrating a consistent smile.
- Sing hymns together and learn hymn histories.
- Teach them how to present the gospel.
- Treat them better than you treat your best friend.
- Plan a special time each month to take them out individually for a time of fellowship (i.e. dinner, picnic, the park, zoo, etc.)
- Spend five minutes a day with each sibling talking, reading, or doing whatever they would like to do.
- Write notes of encouragement telling them how much you appreciate them.
- Choose a relative to whom you can express gratefulness and write a thank you letter.
- Teach younger sisters how to sew or bake for neighbours, friends and church members.
- Show younger brothers how to be good stewards by teaching them basic auto mechanic skills (i.e. how to change a tire, the oil, and sparkplugs.)
- Plan special times to meet the needs of a widow in your area.
- Teach orderliness by instructing them how to properly care for their clothes (i.e. polish shoes, do laundry, hang them up)
- Volunteer to clean your church or take care of your church grounds together.
Christianna Reed – COMMIT