(1) Enjoined # Ec 7:8 Lu 21:19 Ro 12:12 1Th 5:14 2Ti 2:24 Tit 2:2 Heb 10:36 Jas 1:4 5:7 2Pe 1:6
(2) Examples of # 2Th 1:4 Heb 6:15 Jas 5:11 Re 1:9 2:2 14:12
(3) In Waiting for God # Ge 49:18 Ps 33:20 37:7 40:1 130:6 Isa 25:9 26:8 33:2 La 3:25 Lu 2:25 Ac 1:4
(B) IMPATIENCE, examples of
- Moses, at the murmuring of Israel # Nu 20:10
- Naaman, at the conditions imposed by the prophet # 2Ki 5:11,12
- Jonah, at the blasting of the gourd # Jon 4:8,9
- The disciples, at the outcry of the Syrophenician woman # Mt 15:23
- James and John, at the inhospitality of the Samaritans # Lu 9:54
- Martha, with her sister Mary # Lu 10:40
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