at Home
- Being careful not to say things that could spark a fight or argument.
- Keeping the wrong influences from certain movies and books out of the home.
- Refraining from the use of words that could discourage one another.
- Helping one another remember to think before speaking.
- Avoiding negative body language and words that criticise and dishonour one another.
- Foreseeing the hidden extra costs of spending more than the family income.
at Work/School
- Being prepared to stand alone for what is right.
- Showing respect to those that are in authority.
- Avoiding activities that are questionable – don’t do it!
at Church
- Refusing to gossip or talk negatively about other church members – especially those in leadership.
- Following Biblical directions for relationships within the church (1 Timothy 5:1-2 Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as a father; and the younger men as brethren; The elder women as mothers; the younger as sisters, with all purity).
- Purposing not to defraud other brothers or sisters in Christ by wrong dress or inappropriate attention.