Choose to Serve

Philippians 2:7 tells us that Jesus “made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men.”

Most people don’t mind being a servant as long as they’re not treated like one. We like the recognition. We like the pats on the back. We like our name in the church bulletin. But the true test of a servant is not getting upset whenever we’re treated like one. When no one sees or hears of the time and effort we’ve expended and we get no recognition – that’s the true test of being a servant.

Jesus chose to become a servant. He chose! It was an act of the will. You don’t become a servant by sitting around and hoping that one day you’ll feel like it. You might never feel like it. That’s why we have to make a deliberate choice each day.

Think of the people that come into your life every single day. These are the ones God wants you to serve. These are the ones God wants you to pour your life into. Your wife, your husband, your children, the people you work with, the people at church, and your neighbors next door. And it’s as we’re willing to humble ourselves and serve others and put the needs of others before ourselves, that we demonstrate true greatness and reflect the character of Christ. Jesus Himself said, “But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant” (Matthew 23:11).

Look for practical ways to serve those that God brings across your path today.

Morris Hull, Home Life Ministries