A wise parent will begin early to teach their children character and will be constantly evaluating where their children are at and what character qualities they need to develop.
Think about the children that God has blessed you with. Do they have the necessary character traits to have a successful marriage and a successful life?
Do they know how to yield their rights and give in, or are they constantly arguing and fighting so that they can have things their way?
Do they know how to forgive, or are they angry and bitter toward others who have hurt or offended them in the past?
Most conflicts in marriage, church and the workplace can be traced back to the absence of needed character qualities.
If a young lady is not submissive to her parents then she will not be submissive to the leadership of her husband and there will be all kinds of conflicts and problems.
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Teaching Godly character should be the goal of every Christian parent. And if you have young children especially, your main goal is not to teach 1+1=2 – as important as that knowledge is. Following their salvation, your main goal is to teach your children the character of Christ.
There is a Biblical order given in 2 Peter 1:5 – “And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge.” Virtue – or character – should take precedence over academics. That doesn't mean that you throw out the textbooks! It’s simply a question of priorities.
By investing in their character training now, you could be saving your children’s future marriage from the tragedy of divorce and failed relationships.
Morris Hull
Home Life Ministries
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