Category Archives: Gratefulness

Ten Unchangeables (Craft)

Each of us has things in our lives which cannot be changed. It is important that we not only learn to accept these “unchangeables” in others but also in ourselves. Help the children accept the following unchangeables in themselves and others.

1. I am “One of a Kind”–The children should understand that they are special and no one else in the world is just like them.

2. My Birth Parents–No one can change who their birth parents are, even if not living with them.

3. My Brothers and Sisters–Just like birth parents, brothers and sisters by birth are something that cannot be changed.

4. Race–Each person has a particular race.

5. Mental Capacity–Each person is naturally more or less gifted at academics, sports, or mechanical skills.

6. Time in History–Each person is born on a certain day, in a certain year. We cannot change how old we are.

7. Gender–Each person is born as a boy or girl.

8. Order in My Family–Each person has a place in the order of siblings, either firstborn or perhaps the fourth among brothers and sisters.

9. Aging–Each person has physical changes that will naturally occur as he or she gets older.

10. Death–At some point, each of us will die.

In order to remember the ten unchangeables, give each child ten colored strips of paper and have them write one of the unchangeables on each strip. Then link the strips together to form a paper chain. Encourage the children to use the paper chains to remember the importance of accepting these things as part of their lives and making the best use of all of them.

Character First! Education Series 2


(A) GRATITUDE to men, examples of

# Ru 2:10 1Sa 14:45 15:6 2Sa 9:1 10:2 1Ki 2:7 2Ki 4:13 Ac 28:10

(1) Enjoined
In Song # Ps 9:11
With Musical Instruments # Ps 33:2
Universal # Ps 67:3 Isa 42:12
Perpetual # Heb 13:15
Four-fold Reason for # 1Pe 2:9

(2) Examples of
# 2Ch 5:13 20:22 31:2 Ps 35:28 51:15 119:164 Isa 12:1 61:3
# Lu 2:20 19:37 24:53 Ac 2:47 16:25

(3) Heavenly
# Ps 148:2 Lu 2:13,14 Re 4:8 5:11,12 7:11,12 11:17
# Re 14:3 19:5

(4) Nature’s Praise

# Ps 65:13 69:34 98:8 148:3 Isa 44:23 49:13 55:12

(5) Unceasing
# Ps 35:28 71:6,14 104:33 145:1 Re 4:8 5:13
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(1) Exhortations to
# De 8:10 Ps 100:4 107:22 Col 1:12 2:7 1Th 5:18

(2) Examples of
# Ps 68:19 119:62 Da 2:23 Lu 17:16 Ac 28:15 1Co 15:57
# 2Co 9:15 1Ti 1:12

(D) THANKSGIVING, enjoined,
# 1Ch 16:8 Ps 50:14 92:1 Eph 5:20 Php 4:6 Col 3:17
# 1Th 5:18 1Ti 4:4


(1) To God
# De 32:6 Ne 9:26 Eze 16:17,18 Lu 17:17,18 Ro 1:21

(2) To Man, Instances of
# Ge 40:23 Nu 16:13 Jud 8:35 9:18 1Sa 25:21 2Ch 24:22
# Ps 35:12 Ec 9:15 Jer 18:20

(3) Evil for Good, the Returning of
# Ps 35:12 38:20 109:5 Pr 17:13 Jer 18:20 Joh 10:32 15:25

How to Discover the Key to Gratefulness

The more we realize how indebted we are to God and deserving of nothing but eternal punishment, the more grateful we will be for the many ways He and others benefit us.

One day Simon, a Pharisee, invited Jesus to his home for a meal. During the meal a repentant woman came in, wept over Jesus’ feet and then wiped His feet with her hair. Simon murmured against Jesus for letting an immoral woman touch Him, but Jesus said,

“There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell me therefore, which of them will love him most?” (Luke 7:41-42)

Simon answered that the one who was forgiven the most would be the most grateful. Jesus commended him for a right answer and then explained that the woman who was weeping had been forgiven many sins, and, therefore, she was very grateful to God.
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The woman who washed Jesus’ feet was repentant for her many sins. Each of us is also guilty of many sins when we compare our lives to the holy standards of God’s Law. (See Exodus 20.)

We can follow her good example by repenting of our pride and willfulness and receiving the forgiveness that Christ has already provided for us by His death on the cross. (See John 3:1-17.)

“O, God, I recognise that I am a great sinner and deserving of eternal judgement. I thank You for sending Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for all my sin, and I do now receive Him as my Lord and Saviour. Thank you for hearing this prayer and for giving me eternal life.”

How to Demonstrate Gratefulness

to God

  • List the ways God benefits you
  • Recall God’s help during crisis
  • Learn and praise the names of God
  • Choose to thank God when not thankful

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to Parents

  • Honour your parents’ sacrifices
  • Cherish what your parents taught
  • Sit with your parents in public
  • Choose to dress for your parents
  • Redirect praise to your parents
  • Celebrate parents’ special days
  • Give parents a grateful smile
  • Thank parents for correction
  • Find ways to please parents

to your Instructors

  • Praise them for their dedication
  • Thank their family members
  • Praise their high standards

to your Civil Authorities

  • Trust God to work through them
  • Thank them for their protection
  • Pray for them and their families

to your Employers

  • Be an energy-giver
  • Focus on your work, not the clock
  • Thank your employer for fringe benefits
  • Look for ways to save him money
  • Purpose to make him successful

Projects for Gratefulness

  • Do you make it a habit to thank God and others for the many little things in life that others tend to take for granted?
  • How many people can you think of who have benefited your life in the past?
  • How many of these have you personally thanked?
  • Pride is believing that I have achieved what in reality God and others have done for me and through me.

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Character Definitions of Gratefulness

  • Communicating to others the precise ways in which they have benefited my life, and looking for ways to honor them.
  • Learning to recognize the benefits which God and others have provided.
  • Looking for appropriate ways to express genuine appreciation
  • Accepting difficulties as part of God’s loving provision

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Bible Stories Related to Gratefulness

  • The Grateful Leper – Luke 17:12-20
  • The Story of Ruth
  • King Ahasuerus in Esther chapter 6
  • The Apostle Paul in Acts chapter 9 and Philippians 4:10

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Bible Verses Related to Gratefulness

Spend an evening (or several) looking at just one of these verses at a time. Don’t forget to ask your children the questions: Who? What? Where? Why? When? and How? Discuss with your family what each verse or story teaches about the character quality. Choose several verses to memorize together as a family.

  • Psalms 92:1 It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High:
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
  • Psalms 69:30  I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanksgiving.
  • 1 Timothy 5:17  Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.
  • 1 Peter 2:17 Honour all [men]. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. {Honour all: or, Esteem all}
  • 1 Timothy 6:1  Let as many servants as are under the yoke count their own masters worthy of all honour, that the name of God and [his] doctrine be not blasphemed.

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Hymns and Choruses Related to Gratefulness

  • Thank You, Lord, for Saving My Soul
  • Count Your Blessings
  • Great Is Thy Faithfulness
  • Now Thank We All Our God
  • Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow

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