- Gideon in using the jars (clay pots) and trumpets (Judges 7) (Key Verse:16)
- Jesus feeding the 5000 (Matt.14:13-21) (Key Verses:17-18)
- Elisha and the Widow’s Oil (II Kings 4: 1-7) (Key Verse: 2b-3)
- Samson using foxes, torches and the jawbone of a donkey (Judges 15:3-5;14-16)
- Ruth demonstrated resourcefulness in picking up the dropped corn after it had been harvested (Ruth 2)
- The Prodigal Son did not demonstrate resourcefulness, but wasted his inheritance (Luke 15:11-32)
- The Foolish Servant buried his talent and ended up loosing even that (Matt. 25:14-30)
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