(A) TEMPERANCE (Select Readings)
#Pr 23:1-35 Isa 5:1-30 28:1-29 Da 1:1-21
(1) General References to
#Pr 21:17 23:1,2 25:16 Ac 24:25 1Co 9:25 Ga 5:23
#Tit 2:2 2Pe 1:6
(2) Total Abstinence from Strong Drink
Enjoined upon the Priests #Le 10:9
Law from the Nazarites #Nu 6:3 De 29:6 Jud 13:4
The Wise Man’s Injunction #Pr 23:31
Rule for Kings #Pr 31:4
The Law of the Rechabites #Jer 35:6
Daniel’s Temperance Principles #Da 1:8 10:3 Mt 11:18
John the Baptist a Total Abstainer #Lu 1:15
Brotherly Love Demands #Ro 14:21 1Co 8:13
(1) The Duty of
Over the Spirit #Pr 16:32 25:28
Over the Life #Ac 24:25
Over the Lusts of the Flesh #Ro 6:12 1Co 6:12
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A Cardinal Virtue #2Pe 1:5-7
(2) Examples of
#Jer 35:6 Da 1:8 1Co 9:27
(1) Warnings Against
#De 21:20 Pr 20:1 23:20,29-31 Ec 10:17 Isa 5:11 28:1 Na 1:10
#Hab 2:15 Lu 21:34 Ro 13:13 1Co 6:10 Eph 5:18 1Th 5:7
(2) Examples of
—Noah #Ge 9:21
—Nabal #1Sa 25:36
—Uriah #2Sa 11:13
—Elah #1Ki 16:9
—Ben Hadad #1Ki 20:16
—Ahasuerus #Es 1:10
—Watchmen of Israel #Isa 56:12
—Kings of Israel #Ho 7:5
—Other examples #Joe 3:3 Lu 12:45 1Co 11:21