“By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion” (Psalm 137:1).
Not everything in life goes according to plan – according to our plan at least. There are circumstances we find ourselves in that we never dreamed possible.
Daniel, his three friends, and many others like them were cruelly taken from their home by the Babylonians (Daniel 1:1-4). They had done nothing to deserve this personally. These terrible circumstances were the direct result of sin and disobedience in the lives of their present and preceding kings in the nation of Israel.
As the king went so went the nation. When the king followed God’s ways and sought Him with his whole heart – these were times of revival and blessing. But when the king was given to idolatry and sin – the nation suffered. Now the Babylonian captivity was the ultimate consequence and judgment for their disobedience, and tragically there were many innocent people who loved God that were taken captive into Babylon.
What do you do when your adverse circumstances are the result of someone else’s wrong choices? How do you respond if you’re the victim of a DUI or a spouse that has been left for someone else?
Certainly there is time for grieving and reflection; but ultimately God is still in control. This is just a new path He has given you to walk and He has promised to walk it with you “…for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5). Whatever your circumstances, He has promised to guide you and provide for you.
These are the truths that you need to keep constantly before you because the enemy will fill your mind with his lies of hopelessness and discouragement. He will present you with a multitude of “What ifs.” Don’t go there!
Focus your mind and heart on the Truth of God’s Word – spend time especially reading the book of Psalms. Dedicate yourself afresh to fulfilling God’s will for your life whatever path that journey might take. God is still on the throne!
Morris Hull
Home Life Ministries