at Home
- Realising that a family member’s irritating behaviour may be a sign of an unmet need for love.
- Notice when a family member needs a word of praise instead of another problem to fix.
- A parent being alert to attitudes of hurt, guilt, and disloyalty in the children.
- Parents realising that the seeds of a wounded spirit in a child can grow up into a crop of rebellion.
- Being aware that rude words deeply hurt one another.
- Understanding that a successful marriage and family is more important than a successful career.
- Remembering special days and anniversaries in your family.
- Avoiding words and actions that could hurt or offend another family member.
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at Work/School
- Offering to help a struggling classmate.
- If you are an employer, by not demanding that your employees spend an excessive amount of time at work allowing them the freedom to be with their families.
- Encouraging your employer/teacher by writing a note telling them of ways in which they have benefited your life.
- Understand the pressures your boss may be experiencing and offer to help serve in any way you can.
at Church
- Recognising the need to allow the pastor to enjoy his “day-off” with his family.
- Calling the pastor during office hours if possible so as not to take-away from time with his family.
- Being aware of people’s limitations and gifts and not asking them to fulfil responsibilities for which they are unprepared.
- Teaching children to sit quietly in church services to avoid being a distraction.
- Listening attentively to the sermon and Sunday School lesson.
- Inviting individuals and families that seem to be on the fringe to your home for a meal.
- Sending a special card to someone you know is hurting and letting them know that you’re praying for them.