“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver” (Proverbs 25:11). I recently came across an article written by a 76 year-old man. He wrote: “Late at night, my father waited alone for the train that took him to a factory where he worked the night shift. On this particular night, I waited with him in the dark to say good-bye. His face was grim; his youngest son had been drafted. I would be sworn in at six the next morning while he was at the factory. My father didn’t want them to take his child, only 19 years old, to fight a war in Europe. He placed his hands on my shoulders and said, ‘You be careful, and if you need anything, write to me and I’ll see that you get it.’ Suddenly he heard the roar of the approaching train. He held me tightly in his arms and gently kissed me on the cheek. With tear-filled eyes, he murmured, ‘I love you, my son.’ Then the train arrived, the doors closed him inside, and he disappeared into the night…and I left for boot camp. One month later, at age 46, my father died. I am 76 as I sit and write this. I once heard someone say that memories are man’s greatest inheritance, and I have to agree. I’ve lived through four invasions in World War II. I’ve had a life full of all kinds of experiences. But the only memory that lingers is the night my dad said, ‘I love you, my son.’” Isn’t that incredible? You’re never too old to tell your children that you love them. And you need to! How we need to bless and encourage and praise those around us. If all our children are hearing from us is negative and criticism then we are sowing the seeds of bitterness and rebellion in the lives of our sons and daughters. James 3:10 says, “Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be.” Someone has suggested that it takes ten praises or affirmations just to counteract the damage caused by one negative, critical remark. Morris Hull, Home Life Ministries Proverbs 18:21 tells us that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” By the words we speak, we have the ability to impart life or the ability to bring about death and destruction to our relationships. One of the major reasons why we as Christians are loosing our children to the world is not because we are being over-protective (most aren’t protective enough); not because our standards are too high (are our standards higher than God’s?); but because of the negative, critical atmosphere that exists in many Christian homes. We criticize our spouse. We criticize our children. We criticize our church leaders. We criticize other church members. A cartoon in a Christian magazine portrayed a pompous church member exclaiming, “Faults in others I can see, but praise the Lord there’s none in me.” Don’t believe that for one moment. Compared with the spotless, sinless character of Christ, there is a multitude of character deficiencies that you and I possess. It’s not that we are essentially good and that there are just a few bad things in our lives keeping us out of heaven. It’s that – as the Bible teaches – In us “dwelleth no good thing” (Romans 7:18). There is an infinite gap – not just between God’s goodness and our badness – but between God’s goodness and our “goodness.” Isaiah 64:6 tells us that “All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.” In the first five chapters of the book of Isaiah, the prophet is busy pronouncing woes on all the people around him. Finally in chapter six, he has a vision of God in all of His holiness and majesty and he says, “Woe is me.” Because the closer we get to God the less we see of others’ faults (especially those in our own family) and the more we see the condition of our own sinful hearts. Let’s rid our homes of that negative, critical atmosphere; and let’s choose life by choosing to bless and praise and encourage those around us. Morris Hull, Home Life Ministries
Choose Your Words Carefully
Words are so powerful. We have the opportunity to encourage, to bless and to affirm. Choose your words carefully. Make each one count. Purpose to speak words of life and encouragement to those that the Lord brings across your path today!
The Reason We Loose Our Kids